Tag: Short Speech
An Ideal Teacher A teacher is regarded as the builder of the nation. She not only has an expertise in the subject but also is able to explain concepts …
Time is Money Essay No. 01 The phrase ‘time is money’ is very commonly used. In modern times, this phrase implies well when seen in the present situations and …
Experiences Is the Best Teacher In several respects, the information gained from books and other sources is not always perfect. Sometimes it appears dull and much of it is …
Honesty is The Best Policy Essay No. 01 Honesty is a virtue and all religions preach honesty. It is truly the best policy. Honesty is the foundation of any …
Well Begun is Half Done It frequently happens to us that something, which at first seems very difficult, is soon finished in an easy way. This can happen when …
Charity Giving money, food, help, etc. to poor and needy people is known as ‘charity’. Charity is a noble act. The word ‘charity’ is an old English word, meaning …
My Pet Dog Essay No. 01 Having a pet of my own is one of the greatest pleasures of my life. I give and get love and affection from …
Obstacles to National Integration National integration is the awareness of a common identity amongst the citizens of a country. It means that though we belong to different castes, religions, …
Unity in Diversity in India As there is geographical, racial, religious, caste, class, linguistic and cultural diversity, one finds unity in diversity everywhere in India. India is a land …
Dinosaurs – The Terrible Lizard The word ‘dinosaur’ means ‘terrible lizard’, but dinosaurs were not lizards. They were reptiles. Reptiles are animals that have skin covered with scales and …