Two Faces of a Big City (Delhi)
We live in Delhi. It is a big city. Millions of people live here. All are not rich. All are not poor. There is a substantial population of the middle class. The life is very hectic here. There is cut-throat competition in every field. A mad race for money is on. The rich enjoy the pleasures of their riches. They earn and spend money like water. They have all the power on their finger-tips. They are rolling in wealth. Their luxuries put to shame the kings and queens of the by-gone days. They enjoy life in most expensive clubs and hotels. Their houses are filled with all the luxuries of the time. They enjoy most expensive foods and wines. They grow more and greedier for wealth day by day. They live a very hectic life. They have no time to spend with their families and children. Their adult children indulge in all the luxuries without any hindrance from anyone. They fall victims to many bad habits in the prime of their youth.
The other face is that of utter poverty. The poor live in slums. They rot in sun and roll in dust and dirt. They live hell of a life. They eat dirt and sleep on dust. They struggle whole life to make both ends meet. Their troubles are endless. The disease is their permanent feature. The rising prices break their back-bone. They are deprived of education. Their children work right from their infancy. They go on selling wares on bus-stops, red lights and even beg for their survival. Their women and young girls resort to prostitution. They are born penniless and die destitute. Their plight may compel even the hard-hearted to tears.
This is the unequal distribution. One lives in a posh bungalow and the other’s very but is demolished. The rich cannot bear a cluster of Jhuggies and their dwellers living and breathing dirt and dust. The very existence of the poor is unbearable to them. They are self-centred. None among them is really to extend a helping hand to these members of their society.