Essay on “How To Plant A Sapling” English Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 12 for College and Competitive Exams.

How To Plant A Sapling

In this age of rapid deforestations, the only way to make our earth green is to plant saplings and to take adequate care of them till they grow into large trees. The process of planting a sapling is very simple. For this, we need a healthy sapling, some fertilizer and sand, a bucket of water, and most of all a small half feet deep hole in the ground. We also have to take care that the place where we are to plant the sapling is safe from cattle and careless people. Put some sand and fertilizer inside the hole dug up for planting the sapling. Now pour some water into it. Place the sapling on this bed of sand and fertilizer, after removing the plastic bag in which it is grown. Cover the hole with soil. And pour some water on the top of the sapling and besides it. This will make the soil around the soil settle down and bind the plant. Leave a little place at the top of the hole for some water. Now make a hedge of thorny bushes or metal frame so that the plant is protected from inclement weather, goats, cows, and human beings, Water the plant at least once a day during the winters and twice during the summers.

222 words.

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