Corruption is a deep-rooted menace. It is eating into the vitals of society, distorting all values and degrading morality, truth and virtue. It has entered every sphere of life. It is now regarded as a fact of life. It is an evil that we have to live with. It does not prick our conscience. Bribery and palm greasing are on the increase. Weakness for easy money, high standard of living, soaring prices, peer pressure, upkeep of false status and prestige, ‘dishonesty at the top, unnecessary controls, complicated and complex procedures, simple thinking and high living, public apathy etc. are some of the causes of corruption. Corruption breeds at the top and filters down to the ‘lower levels. Lack of lofty ideals and scant regard for morality have multiplied the menace of corruption. When people in power indulge in corruption, the common man gets a kind of sanction. Expensive political set up, donations given by business magnates to the parties and habit of deriving gains from this, lack of transparency in public dealings, lack of awareness amongst the citizens etc. also increase corrupt practices. No propaganda but serious introspection only can end corruption. Severe punishment for the corrupt can also go a long way in curbing this menace of corruption.