Accidents can take place anywhere and at any time but most of the accidents are caused by carelessness and can be prevented.
Habits of safety should be practiced at all times at home, school, while crossing a road and while swimming and playing games.
Road accidents are very common and many people get killed because they do not follow the rules of the read. You must always walk on the pavement or the footpath. Always cross the road at the pedestrian crossing only. Watch both the sides of the road before cross. Make use of the subways wherever possible.
Fire is very useful to us in our everyday life but it is also the cause for many accidents. Charcoal fire, kerosene gas or electric stoves are used in the kitchen to cook our food. But one has to be careful while cooking in the kitchen so that no accident may take place. If the electric equipment’s like stoves, kettles and heaters are not in good working order, they may cause fire. One should not go too close to the lire or blow the fire by mouth.
Nylon or other synthetic clothes should not be worn while working in the kitchen as they catch fire easily. Before leaving the kitchen gas, kerosene or electric stoves should bra turned off. The coal fire should also be put out when it is not used.
Electricity is used more and more in our homes for cocking, lighting, heating and cooling. All the electrical equipment’s should be carefully used otherwise they will be dangerous in case they are defective.
Electric wires should not be touched nor children allowed to handle electrical appliances. The wiring of the house and all electrical appliances should be checked. from time to time to make sure that they are in good working order.
All children enjoy playing games but they should not get hurt on the play ground. They should not be allowed to play rough games. The play ground should be kept free from sticks, nails, glass pieces and other rubbish. One should not play with sharp instruments or fire.
So also in the house, glass articles, knives, scissors, nails and needles should be kept out of the reach of the children. All medicines and poisonous things should be kept inside, locked up cup boards so that children may riot take them by mistake.
I safety