Write a letter to your landlord requesting him for certain repairs in the fiat rented to you.
B-105, Janakpuri,
New Delhi – 110058
May 7, 1993
Dear Mr. Bharti,
I wish to bring to your kind notice that your flat requires certain repairs of urgent nature. The roof of the bathroom is leaking due to heavy rains. There is also a minor leakage in the ceiling of one of the bed-rooms. Besides. the plaster of the walls has come out at many places. You may be aware that no white-washing has been done in the flat for the past three years.
You will appreciate that it is in your interest that the flat owned by you is maintained in a proper condition. If the necessary repairs are not done urgently, it is likely that more damage will be caused and it may require more expenditure to repair the damage.
I would request you to pay a visit to the flat or send some one to make inspection of the urgent requirements regarding maintenance of the flat.
I am sure, you will not neglect the matter any further and will have the needful done at your earliest convenience.
With thanks,
Yours sincerely,
Bal Krishan