Write a letter to the Health Officer, requesting him to take appropriate action to check the tide of mosquitoes in your area.
G-8, D.D.A. Flats
Saiyyada Nangloi
February 7, ……..
The Health Officer
Municipal Corporation of Delhi
Town Hall, Delhi
Subject: Request for controlling the increasing menace of mosquitoes in Nangloi
Dear Sir
I feel constrained to draw your kind attention to the increasing menace of mosquitoes in our area, Saiyyad Nangloi. Every year, in the monsoon season, we suffer from the intense trouble caused by mosquitoes. But this year their rising number has out beaten all the past records. These mosquitoes are monstrous in size, quite different from the ordinary ones. They have created such a panic in the area that it is beyond our imagination to go to sleep at night. If we spray insecticides, it leaves a bad effect on our health. But these monsters remain unaffected by these sprays.
You are, therefore, requested to take appropriate measures to kill these mosquitoes. If no timely action is taken by you, I fear that many people will definitely become the victims of death.
Yours faithfully