Write a letter to a friend, inviting him to a Hill Station. English letter for School Students of Class 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12

Write a letter to a friend, inviting him to a Hill Station

My Dear Neeraj,

I am writing this from a very cool and pleasant place. How beautiful is the scenery all round? There is the sun, but quite graceful. It is not the cruel burning sun as you have in the plains in these hot days. Off and on, fleecy clouds would come and threaten us with rain. I am feeling quite happy, away from the heat from which you suffer. I wish you were in my company. Your school has broken up for the summer vacation, so come over here for a change. Change will do you a lot of good and improve your health. We shall have a jolly good time here. We shall enjoy the beautiful scenery of the hills.

We shall have many snapshots of the beautiful hill-side.

I promise to make your stay here quite comfortable. We have a very good and commodious house and very well situated. I assure you that my parents will be very glad to have you in our midst. We expect you here by the end of this week. Please, bring your warm suits and rain-coat along with your books.

With best wishes,

Yours sincerely,

One Response

  1. Kajal rawat February 10, 2022

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