Write a letter from Kanya Kumari in reply to the letter you received from your wife Archana.

Write a letter from Kanya Kumari in reply to the letter you received from your wife Archana.


Tamil Nadu

6 August, …..

Dear Archana

I have just received your letter dated August 2. When I read it, the image of your beautiful face loomed up before my eyes. No doubt, ‘Bharat Darshan’ is indeed very pleasant and interesting. But sometimes I feel that if you and Kavita had been with me, it would have increased my happiness manyfold. But by chance, it so happened that all of them made a program of this journey without family. Maybe, next year, I once again visit these places, but with you.

You have addressed me by the nomenclature ‘Cruel love. To some extent, you are right in saying so. But I am not cruel at heart. If you tear it open, you will see nothing else except your own beautiful visage. Now our journey is at its last leg. In a day or two, we shall leave for Rameshwaram, and then straightaway from there, we shall move back home. Now without you, this journey appears to be burdensome. Soon after reaching home, I would feel like drinking the nectar of your bud. I have purchased very beautiful sarees for you and fascinating frocks and toys for Kavita. Rest is O.K.

Convey my love to Kavita.

Yours lovingly

Pawan Kumar

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