The Leaders of Past, Complete English Essay, Paragraph for Students of Class 9, 10, 11, 12 Examination.

The Leaders of Past

“The real leader has no need to lead he is content to point the way.’ -Henry Miller

The above saying befits the old leaders or the leaders of the past. There was a well-set example of a great Guru who was approached by a mother with the request to advise the young son not to consume sugar so extensively. Guruji asked her to come after thirty days. The re-visit of the mother was fruitful when Guruji asked the young man not to eat sugar so much.

The anxious mother stated, “Guruji this simple sentence could be told on my previous visit also, why you delayed action?” Guru Ji replied calmly, “I was myself consuming sugar in those days, which I wanted to stop for advising the young man.” Hence the practicability can be followed easily.

Mahatma Gandhi, George Barnard Shaw, Lal Bahadur Shastri, Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru can be referred to as notable leaders of the past. These personalities were very practical and clear. Abraham Lincoln, as also Winston Churchill created a history for the next generations. Abraham Lincoln brought independence for his people. In the same way, Sir Winston Churchill brought victory for Britain in the II world war. He was titled Prime Minister for victory. These leaders had an impact on their thinking of the people.

They had a remarkable study of the masses and their problems. The leaders did not belong to any particular caste or creed. They were for all and they accepted their roles in world affairs. A disturbance in Iran, Iraq was taken to their minds and they were quick in the restoration of peace in the zone. Rajiv Gandhi was leading the country after the death of his mother Smt. Indira Gandhi. The top view of the person was to bear the costs of such an able and popular mother and on the other page, he was to ensure peace and security for the people in the riot-torn area. He was himself the pioneer of financial reforms. He wanted to follow the path of progress and prosperity. He was aware of the sacrifices made by his own family but he could not imagine that fate was as much destined for him also and he was blown off after some time in Tamil Nadu.

Past leaders always visualized the problems of the masses and they wanted to find a solution to such difficulties. They worked for the masses and that may be the reason for their popularity among the people.

It is leaders of the past, who could inscribe their names on the golden pages of history. They rendered selfless service and steered the ship to a fixed destination. These leaders will always be remembered for their sacrifices for the nation and country.

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