Tag: Short Speech
The Great Game of Cricket Cricket is one of the most popular outdoor games. There is perhaps no other game that has such a great fan following. Millions of …
Education and Its Aims Education is the process of teaching, training and learning, especially in schools and colleges to improve one’s knowledge and skills. It involves all-round development of …
Sources, Effects Ant Control Of Noise ‘Pollution Noise pollution is a severe danger to the human environment. It is mounting at an increasing rate and has become a major …
Sources, Effects and Control of Water Pollution Any kind of adverse change in the chemical and physical characteristic of water makes it contaminated and unfit for use. This results …
Sources, Effects Ant Control of Air Pollution The World Health Organization has defined air pollution as, “the presence of materials in the air in such concentration which are harmful …
Role of family In Developing Child’s Personality Family values play an important part in the upbringing of the child. Family is regarded as one of the most important sources …
My Favourite Monument My favourite monument is Taj Mahal. It is a matter of pride for Indians to have one of the Seven Wonders of the World in the …
My Most Wonderful Experience of Life We boarded the Mumbai-Delhi flight with a big roller bag in our hands and backpacks on our shoulders. I was about to face …
The Way I Spent My Summer Vacations Vacations are the best time to relax and enjoy. I eagerly wait for my summer vacations every year. After the hard work …
The Way I Spent My Sunday All of us wait eagerly for the arrival of Sunday. Each one of us has different plans for a good Sunday. As a …