Tag: Short Speech
South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC) South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC) was found in 1985, with its headquarters at Kathmandu in Nepal. It was committed …
World Trade Organization (WTO) World Trade Organization was established in 1995 by 150 member countries. 75% of member countries are developing countries. The organization covers trade in goods, …
Status of Women in India Since independence, the position of women in India has been improved. Constitution of India guarantees women equal position with men by giving them all …
Superstitions Superstitions are the illogical believes that remain inexplicable, mysterious and strange because of lack of sufficient knowledge and outlook. However, today, superstitions are on the decline because …
Importance of English Language One cannot underestimate the importance of English. In India, there are several languages. Each region has a different mother tongue from the other. Many …
Traffic Management In cities and towns, traffic jam in many busy localities is a common sight to see. In metropolitan cities, traffic jam causes much hardship to the students, …
Value of Games And Sports Total Essay – 4 Essay No. 01 It is only in a sound body that a sound mind lives. The value of games is …
Cable and Satellite Television The broadcasting system in India has been revolutionized by commercial satellites. The massive developing market of television viewers has attracted many foreign satellite companies …
160 Glorious years of Indian Railways In the year 2013, the Indian Railways completed 160 years. Since its beginning in 1853, Indian railways have grown as the second …
The Visit in The Polling Booth Last Saturday was the day for election in our area. It was Maharashtra Assembly Election. In civics, I have learnt that Assembly …