Letter to the Editor on Noise Pollution. English Letter for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, and 12 Students

Letter to the Editor on Noise Pollution.

1 M. Ruia

 C-55, S.B.I. Flats,

Hauz Khas,

New Delhi-110018

September 21, 20……….

The Editor

The Statesman

Connaught Circus, New Delhi-110001

Subject: Nightlong blaring loudspeakers

Sir, Through your esteemed paper I would like to bring to the notice of the concerned authorities the menace of night-long loudspeaker noise.

I live in S.B.I. Flats in Hauz Khas. Some people in our nearby neighborhood organize night long religious functions where loudspeakers blare at an ear-piercing pitch the bhajans which sound more like native acid rock music. It goes on without any break all night and every night. The residents of our flats can not go to sleep. We can’t prepare properly for the forthcoming Departmental Exams for promotions. Many sick people who need complete rest and quiet don’t get any and this noise menace is destroying our lives. Why do we Indians lack any civic sense? Why are we so insensitive? And the Supreme Court has passed orders against the use of loudspeakers after 10 pm. So, why are they concerned authorities not taking any steps to check the violation of the Supreme Court orders? Is any of the authorities listening?

Yours faithfully

R.M. Ruia

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