Letter of thanks to a stranger who has returned your purse containing money, smart card, and I.D. Card.

Letter of thanks to a stranger who has returned your purse containing money, smart card, and I.D. Card.

761, Manoj Publications

Main Road, Burari


August 10, 20…

Dear Mr. Qureshi

Thanks a million for returning my lost purse through courier service. I had lost it while traveling in a private bus to reach Vishwavidyalaya Metro station to go to the Rajiv Chowk. I discovered my loss when I groped for my purse to use the Metro Smart Card. I was missing. For a long time, I stood there perplexed not knowing what to do. I had no money in my pockets. Luckily I saw an acquaintance and narrated to him my misery and predicament. He loaned me fifty rupees and that was how I returned to my home. I was getting reconciled to the loss.

Then, only two days hence, the courier boy delivered me a packet sent by you. Of course, it contained my purse. All the money was there (Rs. 860 only), Smart Card I.D. Card.

I was worried that my T.D. Card and Smart Card could be misused if fallen into the wrong hands. So, I had reported the loss to the police station. Now I shall go there personally to tell the police how the lost property has been restored back to me by your kindness. Thanks for sending the purse so quickly saving me a lot of anxiety and worry.

It is very heartening to see that conscientious gentlemen like you are still around in this selfish world. It redeems one’s. faith in humanity. I have no words to express my gratitude to you and your goodness. If you ever drop by our area do pay a visit to my humble abode. 1 and my family would be glad and grateful to meet you. Please, once again accept my thanks for your great kindness.

Yours  sincerely

Shyam Sunder

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