International Exhibition, Complete 350 Words English Essay, Paragraph for Students of Class 9, 10, 11, 12 Examination.

International Exhibition

Although there had been small and local exhibitions before the first great international exhibition which was held in London in 1851, being the first of its kind, this exhibition has great importance. Prince Albert, the husband of Queen Victoria, was the moving spirit in organising it and it was opened by Queen herself in person. It was housed in a building made entirely of glass and iron, which was covered by the Crystal Palace. The exhibition was a great success and some optimistic people at the time prophesied that it marked the beginning of an era of international peace for they could not believe that the nations which joined in promoting this grand project could ever quarrel again. These rosy hopes, however, were soon dashed to the ground; for three years after the Exhibition, England, France, and Turkey were engaged in the Crimean War against Russia; and ten years after that came the war between Germany and Austria, which was followed by Franco-German war four years later. Many great exhibitions have been held since then in London. Paris, Vienna, Glasgow, and other places culminating in 1924 in the great Empire Exhibition at Wembley.

Although exhibitions evidently cannot prevent war, they do undoubtedly help to promote a friendly feeling among nations. Exhibits are sent from all countries, and visitors come from all parts of the world and men of different nations cannot work and organise together and meet in friendly intercourse as they do at such times, without getting more knowledge and sympathy with each other’s custom and ways of thought.

Perhaps the chief object and use of such exhibitions is the promotion of manufacturers and the encouragement of new inventions and improved methods. Not only can manufacturers from all over the world see at an exhibition all the latest machines, methods, and processes, but the prizes offered for the best commodities of a different kind stimulate invention and create a healthy rivalry on the excellence of workmanship.

In a nutshell, the exhibition provides good commerce, amusement and also has great educational value.

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