An Unreasonable Customer
There was a long queue at the photoshop. It was just after the holidays and many people were queueing to get their digital photographs printed. A loud angry voice could be heard coming from the counter.
An elderly man was in a heated conversation with a lady behind the counter. He had a memory card in his hand and he was stabbing at a receipt in front of him. The lady told him that he had to pay for all the photographs that he had ordered. However, the man insisted that he had not selected so many photographs. Pointing at a computer next to her, she showed him all the photographs that he had selected. The man did not apologize even when he realized that he was in the wrong. He was adamant about taking out some of the photographs that he had selected. The lady refused at first but the man began raising his voice. Everyone turned to stare at them. Since the lady did not want to create a scene, she decided to let the man have his way.
The man walked away smugly with his new receipt. He did not notice the incredulous look that everyone was giving him.