Essay on “Traveling-Means of Education” for School, College Students, Long and Short English Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12, College and Competitive Exams.

Traveling-Means of Education

It is a wrong to assume that knowledge can be acquired only through books: Travelling has been a great source of getting practical knowledge. It solidifies knowledge received at the educational institutions. Two important ingredients of ‘travelling, ‘seeing and hearing, leave much deep impression on the mind. For example, trips and tours to places of historical arid geographical importance can give better understanding of history and geography respectively.

Traveling widens our outlook, broadens our sympathy, helps in shedding prejudices and makes us liberal in our attitudes and views. The stay-at-home people get circumscribed and narrow-minded.

In his course of travel a man interacts with many men. He exchanges thoughts and views with them. He learns their peculiar ways of living, customs and traditions, rites and rituals. Many mysteries are solved. Barriers crumble, walls of ignorance tumble down and a sense of tolerance creeps into.

While travelling we must have a heart that watches, and receives to get the maximum benefit of travelling. Theoretical knowledge given by others is subjective but practical experience is based on ‘seeing is believing’.

For broadening the mind, growing out of narrow views, for development in international culture, travelling inside one’s own country and also beyond it, is absolutely essential. We boast of ‘One World’ and unless the inhabitants of the globe understand one another well, there can’t be any prospect of peace and amity amongst the nations of the world. Travelling knits different threads and yarns into one whole piece. It makes us realize the real aim of education.

The stay-at-home people become narrow in their outlook. Travelling preserves men from the contraction of mind. A free and open mind is absolutely necessary for receiving education through travels. We must have a heart that watches and receives. But a traveler must not acquire elements that go against the national civilization and culture. Pick up but assimilate intelligently and judiciously.

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