The Policeman
The policeman is a familiar figure. He is a public servant. He can be easily recognized from his dress. He is a guardian of human life. H: duty is to maintain law and order. He protects public life and property. Although his duty hours are fixed, he is supposed to be on duty at all hours. He can be seen at crossings or at police stations.
The policeman wears a khaki uniform. He wears a turban or cap on his head. He wears his number belt round his waist. He carries a stick or rod in his hand. He has a whistle in his pocket. Sometimes he can be seen going around on a motor-cycle or a police van.
The policeman performs a number of duties. He provides security to the government VIP’s. He keeps a watch on anti-social elements. He detains persons of suspicious movements and makes detailed enquiries about them. Sometimes he controls the traffic on the road. He checks necessary documents and licences of persons driving scooters, cars and trucks.
The policeman does not enjoy a good public opinion. Sometimes he commits excesses on the innocent people. Deaths in the police custody have become very common. The policeman accepts bribes from culprits. He harasses poor and innocent persons. He implicates them in false cases. Quite a few are killed in false encounters. All this brings a bad name to the policeman. The policeman should realize that he is a public servant. His duty is to protect public interests.