Simple Living and High Thinking
Essay No.01
We boast of our high and long jumps in progress and prosperity. It will not be wrong to say that we live in an age of snobbery and false prestige. To maintain our status we inflict untold injuries on others. Light of reason blinds us and falsehood and shows off dazzle our eyes and we fall for them. To be one step ahead of others we indulge in unreasonable and unnecessary expenditure. We forget to cut our coat according to our cloth. This ends in self-deception. The net result is self-inflicted tortures and sufferings. For physical Comforts, we run after luxuries we cannot afford. Sense of pride land vanity and self-importance make us lose sight of values. We remain insecure and in the heart of our hearts, we remain ‘afraid of moneylenders who have given us hefty loans to maintain our status. With no peace of mind, we live. Spiritual values have no attraction for us’ because we cannot think beyond materialism. We forget that the persons who are worshiped by us lived a simple life but they thought high. They .did not heed for worldly comforts and even then they kissed lofty heights of greatness. The simplicity of fife brings peace of mind, satisfaction, and contentment, the most important ingredients of a purposeful life. Luxurious living, high profiles, materialistic pursuits, and high living and plain thinking,. do not allow the man to rise above the level of animal life. So plain living and high thinking should be the norms of life.
Essay No.02
Simple Living, High Thinking
Simple living said the Prophet Mohammed, “sets my heart on higher thoughts.” There is a need to follow simplicity in our life. In today’s world of increasing pomp and show, when everybody is joining the rat race of displaying his wealth, we should prefer to live simply, without any artificiality. Mahatma Gandhi’s life shows us that simplicity in life always encourages maturity of mind. Instead of wasting wealth in various socio-religious ceremonies, we should be decent and undemonstrative. People who are really good need not show that they are good. In the same manner, the sophistication of our lifestyle needs no raw display of wealth, it would rather appear in our character or in the manner we carry ourselves. People, who work hard and are the best servants of humanity, live in a quiet frugal manner. We should consider it a sin to waste money when we are aware of the fact that millions of our compatriots are living below the poverty line. Nowadays, in an increasing consumerist culture, where everything is on sale, we should adhere to the simple way of life if we want to preserve human attributes in us.