Essay on “Pinocchio” for School, College Students, Long and Short Paragraph for Class 10, Class 12, College and Competitive Exams.


An aged carpenter is unable to have a son. One day, he builds a wooden puppet as a substitute for the human boy he can never have. A good fairy breathes life into Pinocchio. The carpenter is overjoyed but Pinocchio wants more; he wants to be a real boy. The fairy promises Pinocchio he can be a real boy if he proves himself worthy.

Pinocchio has many opportunities after that to show his worth but he fails each time because he is unable to control his immoral, selfish nature. He skips school; he visits the marionette play, and goes away to Play land with Lamp-wick. Pinocchio gets trapped by con artists- the lame fox and the blind cat. They want Pinocchio’s coins. They ask Pinocchio to follow them to the inn and buy them dinner. Pinocchio wakes to find the cat and the lame fox gone. These same con-artists disguised as assassin’s attack Pinocchio but he manages to escape with the skin of his teeth. In the end, Pinocchio gives his savings of coins to his fairy, who is sick in the hospital. The fairy then changes Pinocchio into a real boy because of his selfless act of kindness.

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