Essay on “Learning to Cook” for School, College Students, Long and Short Paragraph for Class 10, Class 12, College and Competitive Exams.

Learning to Cook

On mother’s day we decided that we would give Mom a surprise by letting her sleep in late and cooking up breakfast for her. The menu for breakfast was eggs with coffee and sandwiches.

Mom likes her eggs ‘sunny side up’ and I thought that it was going to be easy making them. I failed miserably at the first attempt. The second time, I broke the egg in the center and when it poured out on the pan it was a perfect circle. I was mighty pleased. Dad helped me make the chutney for the sandwiches while I used the V-slicer to slice the tomatoes and the cucumber. Dad showed me how to layer the sandwiches so the tomatoes and sandwiches wouldn’t fall off from inside the sandwich.

Mom was mighty pleased with my efforts and rewarded me with one of her trademark hugs.

It was fun learning to cook and I am grateful that I managed to get the sunny side up on the second try.

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