Essay on “Internet” for School, College Students, Long and Short English Paragraph, Speech for Class 10, Class 12, College and Competitive Exams.


Total Essay – 03

Essay No. 01

The Internet is the largest most versatile source of 1 information in the world today. With its websites and chat rooms, it is a means of communicating with people in places all over the face of the Earth. But with all this power at our fingertips, are there any negative impacts of using this interface? Are we as ‘simple humans’ capable of interacting with such a powerful communication source? Recent studies are beginning to uncover evidence that would suggest that maybe some of us are not so capable of dealing with this technology. In fact, as more Research is conducted, experts are finding that the Internet may even be addictive! In 1973, the U.S. Defence Research Projects Agency initiated a program to research the techniques and technologies for interlinking various types of networks. The objective was to develop communication protocols that would allow networked computers to communicate transparently across multiple, linked networks. This was called the inter knitting project and the system of networks that emerged from the research was known as the Internet.

Essay No. 02


Today world has shrunk with the advent of the internet as more and more people are getting connected globally, daily and also new websites are being created daily.

While people who own computers can reach the internet any time conveniently. The internet industry is growing day by day due to the entry of private internet service providers.

There are only a few people who can make fortunes for themselves by creating new innovative websites but it also has a lot of opportunities and what matters is how one can be creative enough. To be able to create websites or internet services one has to be adequately trained in multimedia.

Many people find jobs by posting their resumes on the internet as many newspapers, magazines and firms have their own websites on the internet. There are more than 400 search engines on the internet which provide information about everything related to this world like medicine, fashion, tourism, science, books, sports, education and many other subjects. It also provides information regarding business matters. America Online with its six million international members is the most popular service engine on the internet. The Internet has also become a vast marketplace where everything is available and is only a mouse click away.

The Internet has unlimited career avenues like portal designing with hyperlinks, designing home pages for customers and websites, providing email or surfing services etc. However it is important to get the required training before starting a career on the internet e.g. if one wants to be a home page designer, then one needs to know the language required to make good sites and other required things.

Moreover, since the internet is a growing industry one must follow the latest developments on the internet front to ensure an edge in one’s career.

Thus, to have a career in the internet one should not only be computer literate but progressive as well. Undoubtedly the future lies with the internet.


Essay No. 03

Internet is a network of computer systems that have been connected to each other through satellites, telephone lines and optical cables. These computers can have access to a large volume of precious and useful information. Initially, Internet operations were confined only to the USA but this new technology has spread its wings around the globe during the last 10 years.

Internet operations began in 1986 when the US Department of Defence connected some computers through optical cable networks. These networks also used satellites for the transmission of data to far-off places. Later, some American Universities also entered the Internet arena. The main systems, called the Internet servers, were located in the USA. Now, the Internet is a global phenomenon. Every student can have an access to the Internet through his computer system, a telephone line and a modem. The Internet service must be provided by a government organisation (like VSNL, MTNL etc.) or by a private firm, which is known as an Internet Services Provider (ISP).

The key to the success of the Internet is the information. The better the quality, the more usage of Internet operations. And this would lead to “hooking on” of more users on the Internet highway. Internet uses a special type of software, which has been developed in HTML, JAVA, VB and SGML. However, a student need not be worried about these programmes as Internet surfing is very easy. It is possible to surf the Internet with the help of Windows 98 software and Netscape Navigator Software and either of these two would have to be loaded in the computer of the student.

The Internet has given the most exciting mode of communication to all—the E-mail. We can send an E-mail (the short form of Electronic Mailing System) to all the corners of the world. The cost per page of E-mail is only 30 paise. Further, Internet, as already stated, can be used to collect information from various storage areas of the servers, called the websites. This information could relate to education, medicine, literature, software, computers, business, entertainment, friendship and leisure. Internet is also used for carrying out business operations and that set of operations is known as Electronic Commerce (E-com).

All the newspapers, magazines and journals of the world are available on Internet. Even our own Doordarshan is available on this information superhighway. Therefore, the possibilities an Internet are endless. The student can enhance his knowledge about the world in a matter of few hours while he is hooked on to Internet.

Some students have mischievous intentions. They waste time on sending false E-mails. Some others try to view those websites that are not meant for them. This is a bad tendency and must be checked. Internet must be used for development and not for decay.

MTNL has offered internet connections far as low as Rs 2500 per annum. This cost would be reduced further. The cost of the computer system, modem and other associated hardware is also likely to come down. The Internet user must have a telephone line that would connect his computer to an ISP. In India, this facility is being provided by the local networks have not been designed and made functional but Internet would be available in all the cities and townships of the country by 2002 AD. In four major cities, Internet services are available with ease and at very low prices.

The Internet is the technology of future. In the times to come, offices would be managed at distant places through Internet. The advantages of Internet are low cost, large volumes of information, high speed of access and good quality of entertainment. Its disadvantages are faulty telephone networks, useless information for students and wastage of time while surfing through various websites. Students can create and maintain their own websites but for that, they would have to learn Internet programming. They can learn Internet operations and software and could be successful Internet programmes in the times to come. By the end of 1998, there were only 1,20,000 Internet connections in India. The students must learn Internet operations and must try to collect only useful information. The new century would usher mankind into a new era of Information Technology (IT) and the Internet is the backbone of this exciting era.

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