How To Get A Bus Pass Made
The population of cities and sub-urban areas is increasing rapidly. Besides the towns and the cities are also expanding at a fast pace. Schools and colleges are no longer at a short distance from one’s place of residence. A student has to travel a long distance to reach them. The government has provided the facility for student’s concessional bus pass so that a student and his guardians do not have to shoulder the additional burden of transport expenses. The process of getting a bus pass made is very simple, A student has to obtain an application form from the transport office. He has to fill the form legibly and neatly, giving true details about his name, address, father’s name, name of the institution, and the class in which he studies, along with the route he proposes to take to go to his educational institution. He should then have to affix an attested photograph on the application form in the place provided for it. After this, he should have to put his signature on it. He should take this completed application to the Principal or the head of the institution for signature. Then he has to submit this application to the transport office. Which issues him the bus pass in lieu of the application with his picture on it.
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