Essay on “First Prime Minister of India” for School, College Students, Long and Short English Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12, College and Competitive Exams.

Jawahar Lal Nehru


First Prime Minister of India


Mr. Jawahar Lal Nehru was the first Prime Minister of India and a first rank freedom fighter He was the most beloved of Mahatma Gandhi for his qualities of head heart and soul. He was the son of great Pandit Moti Lal Nehru, a onetime President of Indian National Congress.

Mr. Nehru was born in Allahabad. It was an aristocratic family but highly dedicated to the cause of the freedom of India. Pandi Moti Lal Nehru was a high ranking lawyer of that time and so young Jawahar Lal was educated in England. He passed out from Harrow School and Cambridge University. It was his father Moti Lal who brought him up in the highest standards of that time and finally sent him to polities. He became an active disciple of Mahatma Gandhi and took active part in the freedom struggle. He was sent to British Jail many times. His wife Kamla Nehru, to whom he was married in 1916 was also an active partner in the freedom struggle. Jawaharlal Nehru was an ardent philosopher; writer, orator, statesman and a politician all in one. He was an authority on history and historical matters. He is the author of many reputed books like ‘Discovery of India”, “Glimpses of World History’. His being busy in polities and world affairs has deprived the world of a great writer. His style of writing and oration is worth the name.

Nehru as a leader was very soon recognized world over for his ability and control over the affairs he handled, soon after he joined the freedom struggle. Both the Britishers and the Indian people pinned him up to take the responsibility of the country even before India was free. In 1946 he first headed the Interim Government formed by Indian National Congress with active support of other parties. He had already served President of Indian National Congress four times.

Being top-ranking leader of the country he was made the first Prime Minister of India under the patronage of the Father of Nation, Mahatma Gandi. He took over from the British and was first to hoist the flag of Independent India on Red Fort on 15th August, 1947 at 12 mid-night. He vigorously took the reins of the country and worked day and night to lay the foundations of Independent India. He did the work so efficiently that he is rightly called the architect of Modern India. He sought help of all the friendly countries to build the infrastructure of this country. He started with five year plan development. It was a great success. He was virtually the king and benefactor of India. His word was law. India was able to make a high prestige in the world community under his dynamic leadership. He became a leader of the world polities. Fie gave the slogan PANCH-SHEEL to India and the world.

It all ended on May 27, 1964 when he breathed his last peacefully and the whole world mourned his death. India is yet to produce a leader of his capacity and caliber.

The able daughter of this leader Smt. Indira Gandhi served Prime Minister of India for eleven years with great success and ability.

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