Essay on “Educational Value of Travelling” English Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 12 for College and Competitive Exams.

Educational Value of Travelling

The famous adage-home keeping youths have homely wits’ is true for all those people who do not wish to travel. Traveling forms a part of our education. The information that we receive through books in schools and colleges remains incomplete if it is not supplemented by our own experience. This experience can only be gained through traveling. Travelling provides us with a piece of first-hand information. What use is the study of Mughal architecture if it is not supplemented by an actual visit to the famous buildings created during the Mughal period? Travelling confers upon us numerous benefits. It presents to us different sights and sounds of nature and mankind. It unfolds for us various cultures and civilizations A person also acquires the habit of adaptability by traveling. Travelling enables us to exchange our views with people of other countries and places and to study their habits and character. Had there been no traveling mankind would not have been able to take giant strides in the fields of astronomy, geometry, medicine, mathematics, and agriculture. Traveling is a great educative experience. It broadens our outlook and makes us more sensitive. However, this is true only for those people who travel with their eyes open and their senses alert.

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