Essay on “Education” for Kids and Students, English Paragraph, Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 12, College and Competitive Exams.


Education, or learning, is not necessarily that methodized curriculum and those classified subjects in text books which youth are forced to learn during specified hours while sitting on rows of desks. The type of education, now prevailing all over the world, is against human freedom. Compulsory education, of which countries of the world boast whenever they are able to force it on their youth, is one of the methods which suppress freeboot. It is a compulsory obliteration of a human being’s talents as well as a forcible direction of a human being’s choices. It is an act of dictatorship damaging to freedom because it deprives man of free choice, creativity and brilliance. To force a human being to learn according to a set curriculum is a dictatorial act. To impose certain subjects upon people is a dictatorial act.

Compulsory and methodized education is in fact a forced stultification of the masses. All countries which set courses of education in terms of formal curricula and force pupils to learn them, coerce their citizens. All methods of education prevailing in the world should be done away with through a worldwide cultural revolution to emancipate man’s mind from curricula of fanaticism and from the process of deliberate adaptation of man’s taste, his ability to form concepts and his mentality.

This does not mean that schools are to be closed and that people should turn their backs on education, as it may seem, to superficial readers. On the contrary, it means that society should provide all types of education, giving people the chance to choose freely any subjects they wish to learn.

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