Essay on “Computers Today” for Kids and Students, English, Paragraph, Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 12, College and Competitive Exams.

Computers Today

Essay No. 01

Computers have become very important in today’s world for they are electronic extensions of the human brain.

Today computers are increasingly used in many fields with applications like E-com, Internet Surfing, E-mail, Voice mail, Multimedia, CAD, CAM, and business applications to designing trains and airships for medical diagnoses.

Music and modern art are today composed and designed on computers. The most common applications in which computers are helpful are regarding services at railway stations, airports, banks, schools, and firms. Computers in these places are interlinked by satellite channels.

Computers are also used in the field of science where a large amount of information has to be processed and complex machines have to be designed. Besides using computers, an object can be viewed in three-dimensional depths and its dimensions can also be changed to suit any number of applications. Computers also have useful applications in the medical profession as very intricate operations of the eye and brain have become possible due to computers which allow the laser beam to work accurately.

Moreover, today computers come in handy in tackling the law and order in many countries like U.S. U.K., etc. The detailed particulars of each citizen of a town are recorded in a computer which is itself linked to the national network through a satellite and any police station can get information and verify the statistics regarding a suspect by just clicking on to a website.

So, a computer is a helpful machine which helps human beings a lot.


Computers Today

Essay No. 02

A Computer is an electronic device that is used to perform repetitive calculations at very high speeds. The computer acts as a data processing device and also stores large amounts of data. This data could be text, pictures, voice, numbers, photographs, and other types of information that are used by humans in their day-to-day operations. Life cannot be imagined without computers. In fact, the new millennium is the era of computers and their associated techniques, commonly known as Information Technology (IT).

Computers help the school children learn new techniques of study, graphic designs, games, and other useful educational applications. They help the college students in preparing reports. They help the office executives in accounts, software development, sales invoicing and manufacturing. They help the libraries in the efficient management of their operations. They run the factories and equipment. They control the satellites and nuclear weapons. They help the young and the old surf through the Internet sites. They are, in fact, indispensable as every operation of human life is incomplete and inefficient without them.

As school-going students, we must learn about computers. Computers are available in various configurations. For learning computer operations a computer with 166 MHz speed (known as the CPU speed), an HDD of 1.2 MB storage capacity, and a RAM of 32 MB is needed. These elementary computers would help the school students learn LOGO. BASIC, Windows 95 (the operating system in usage nowadays), games, various lectures related to the syllabi, and Internet operations.

Although Indian society, industry and polity are gearing up for the adoption of computers, yet we are far behind the Western nations in terms of computer literacy. In the USA, out of every 2 students, one has a computer. In India, out of every two hundred students, only one has a computer. Further, out of every 4 students in the USA, every student has an access to the Internet whereas in India, out of every fi student, only one has a remote access to Internet.

A student would do well to learn the basics of computer operations. In his or her school, he or she can join evening classes for getting advanced level training. Computers are easy to learn and are student-friendly machines. They improve the efficiency of the student and make him more knowledgeable. They help him or her in his or her education, mental development and entertainment.

In the times to come, all the students would either have their own computers or would have a free access to them. Computerization in banks is complete and most of the factories, offices, colleges and schools have advanced computer systems. The latest processing speed of the computer is 533 MHz but this computer is costly. A good computer, which would serve the purpose of the student, costs Rs. 30,000 only. And this cost would come down in the years to come.

Students should adopt computers in their educational teaming and for their mental development. Computer software is a promising field and the students can build their careers in this field. Moreover, intelligent programmers are also in great demand in the USA, the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. If the students work hard in the field of computers, they would have good careers in the latter parts of their lives.

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