Essay on “Advantage of Personal Library” for School, College Students, Paragraph for Class 10, Class 12, College and Competitive Exams.

Advantage of Personal Library

Hectic schedule has left no time for modern man to visit library and spend some time in the company of books. He does not borrow books because he remains under a constant fear that the books may not get damaged or disfigured. They have to be kept with great formality. Advantages of having a personal library are numerous. One, it satisfies man’s natural instinct of private property not for any ulterior motive but for his own advantages only. Two, books in a personal library are handy. The knowledge that they are there in view is both refreshing and stimulating. Three, book friends have advantage over living friends. One can enjoy the most aristocratic company whenever one wants it. Four, the great deeds are beyond our personal reach and the great living personalities are inaccessible. But in the private library one can converse with Socrates, Shakespeare, Munshi Prem Chand, Tagore, Kalidasa, etc. any time. Five, books of different sizes and with different colourful covers prove better than murals. Moreover, they enhance the beauty of the room. Six, books dispel loneliness as one is always in their company. Seven, ideas required instantly are only possible in a private library. For every errand one can’t afford to rush to a bookstall or a nearby library. Eight, no formality is needed to handle books. Nine, a’ personal library serves as a ready-reckoner. Ten, the most important benefit is, a personal library enhances one’s image and social status. This imparts mental satisfaction which is badly needed in the present environment.

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