A Disciplined Life
A disciplined life is the first requirement of success. By discipline, we mean total self-control over wayward habits and a strict adherence to a preset rule of behavior in daily life. This helps develop orderliness, the strength of character, and efficiency in the person. In a disciplined life, there is a great emphasis on the sense of responsibility towards one’s charted course of action. Besides, the rules and regulations that govern various public processes are looked upon with respect and strictly adhered to. A disciplined man understands his rights and duties. This makes him a stickler to the rule of law, decency, and decorum. To him, the obedience of authority and quick follow-ups of the command in an unquestionable manner is a first and foremost duty. For a person to become disciplined, he must first lay down certain codes of conduct for himself. He should then follow it up with a regular practice of it. Discipline helps a person become a better human being. It is not surprising therefore that discipline is an integral part of the school curriculum. By following the guidelines of everyday behavior children gradually acquire their goals. Children also in the bargain become responsible citizens, willing to observe the norms laid down by the society.