Uses of Milk
Milk is one of the blessings which mankind has got from animals. Milk is a perfect food. It should form an essential part of our daily diet. Doctors advise never to miss your daily glass of milk.
Milk is a rich source of calcium. It contains fat and protein in the form of casein. Its nourishing value is great. It is good for all people. But milk is a must for children, old people and expectant mothers.
Milk gives us health, growth and strength. Milk is chiefly obtained from the cows. The other animals which provide us milk are buffaloes, sheep and goats. In desert areas camel milk is used.
Milk is used in various forms. It is taken directly. It is added to tea, coffee and other drinks. Curds, butter, ghee, cheese and sweets are prepared from milk.
Milk should always be kept in clean and covered containers. It should be properly boiled before use. Over-boiling should be avoided. By boiling we pasteurize it. Goat milk is more easily digestible.
Milk is cheaper in comparison to many other costly food items. Milk is also obtainable in condensed and powered form.
India is one of the foremost producers of milk in the world. Still, keeping in view India’s mammoth population, the supply is not commensurate with demand.