English Essay on “The Three Magical Words” English Essay-Paragraph-Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 CBSE Students and competitive Examination.

The Three Magical Words

Communication in simple terms means the sharing and exchange of thoughts, ideas and information. While there are certain guidelines for effective communication, we need to understand that our communication does have an impact on the other person. Now, has your communication brought about the desired response or impact?

When we talk about effective communication we are not just talking about words but other aspects like facial expressions, eye contact and body language. But the most important part of any communication is speech which is the universal means of oral communication. And speech needs a language and language in turn needs words. A word is a group of sounds that can be written as a group of letters of the alphabet which carries a certain meaning.

Conversation is an art which can be improved with the help of good vocabulary. And when it is sprinkled with the magical words ‘Please, Thank You and Sorry’ it can create wonders. Though these words are understood by many as polite words to be used in our day to day dealings with people, they are also words which could convey a sense of humility, dependence, repentance, acceptance, forgiveness or joy. These three words are so potent that sometimes they could change a person or change a situation.

As children we use them in limited context but as adults we understand that they can be used in a broader spectrum.

Again these words are so commonly used that sometimes they may lose their significance. But it depends on the user, how genuine he is when he says these words and wants to weave that web of magic.

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