English Essay on “The Killer Bus” Full-Length Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 Exam.

The Killer Bus

Another glaring example of rash, careless and negligent driving! The pity is that the mishap has occurred on a busy road of the capital, having traffic signals at all intersections and policemen in plenty. God alone knows what the actual cause of the accident is — over-speeding, faulty brakes, or the untrained or inexperienced driver! Of course, the usual excuse of each and every driver of a vehicle for an accident is the sudden failure of brakes!

On a closer look, we find that the heavy vehicle, involved in the tragedy, is a passenger bus, operating under the Delhi Transport Corporation. It plies from Palika Bazar to Morigate and is number 753.

It appears that it had just started from the terminal and hence had only a few passengers on board. It has not yet been confirmed how the accident was caused. However, there is no doubt that it hit the pavement, badly smashed the railings, and damaged its left side from the front very severely. The front pane from the driver’s side is also fully shattered and there is no doubt some of the passengers, sitting inside, must have been injured.

There are two policemen in uniform. One of them is holding something along with three civilians. Since there is neither an ambulance nor a P.C. R van they are not intending to send him to a hospital for treatment. That what they are holding is covered in a white sheet and that no part of the body is visible from outside is an indication of it being a dead body.

He is most probably the same unfortunate person who must have been run over by the speeding bus before it finally came to a halt.

The real culprit, the driver, is not seen around. Most probably, he has nm away from the scene after causing the accident in order to escape the anger of the people. Who knows whether he would be arrested, or not?

I pity the family members of the dead person as no one can say for sure whether they know that their bread-earner is no more in this world. May the Almighty give them strength to bear this great loss!

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