English Essay on “The influence of Geographical Position” English Essay-Paragraph-Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 CBSE Students and competitive Examination.

The influence of Geographical Position

The influence of climate upon the character of a nation has sometimes been exaggerated; but it is undoubtedly of importance. The two extremes of heat and cold seem to have similar affect, for the people both of tropical and arctic climates alike Jack energy and initiative. In the tropics the extreme and often moist heat saps the vitality, discourages exertion, and makes the inhabitants lethargic and ease-loving. And in such countries Nature so bountifully supplies man’s wants that little exertion on his part is necessary. In the arctic regions the excessive cold seems to numb men’s energies and render them torpid; and there nature is so niggardly, and man’s struggle for existence so severe that it consumes all his energies, and leaves him exhausted for any other kind of effort It is significant that no great enterprising, conquering, or highly civilized nation has arisen either in the torrid or the polar regions.

The dominant races are those who dwell in the temperate Vines, where the climate, neither too hot nor too cold, is healthy and bracing, and where the struggle for existence is not so severe as to consume all a man’s energies, and yet severe enough to demand constant thought and exertion. Most of the European nations, the Americans, and the Japanese, the most civilized, vigorous and; enterprising people in the world are dwellers in the temperate zone.

The geographical position of a country also has its influence upon the character of the inhabitants. The dwellers on fertile plains soon settle down to agriculture and trade, and to an ordered and peaceful life. They grow wealthy, civilized and luxurious. They eventually become effeminate, and are easily conquered by hardier races. But the inhabitants of mountains and arid deserts, who have a harder struggle for existence, rarely settle down to a regular and peaceful life. They are very vigorous and independent are great fighters, and have such a love of liberty that it is very difficult to subdue them.

The sea has also a great influence upon the people who live near it. Sea-faring people, like the Phoenicians, and the British, are much more adventurous and enterprising than the dwellers in inland countries. The boundlessness and the liberty of the sea gets into their blood, and they make the best explorers, pioneers and colonists.

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