English Essay on “Students and Politics” English Essay-Paragraph-Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 CBSE Students and competitive Examination.

Students and Politics

Every school or college election has nowadays taken -the magnitude of a public election. Publicity, canvassing and falling into different political groups has become a common feature leading to petty clashes, fights, strikes and closing down of educational institutions.

Though every political leader in the country has been advising vehemently against the participation of students in politics, they do not want to shun the students from politics for they cannot find more enthusiastic and voluntary service elsewhere.

Politics has its glamour and attraction for the young and old alike in spite of Johnsons’ saying ‘Politics is the refuge of scoundrels”. Many people with the remote possibility of coming to the top ruin their careers. It is a time consuming effort and it is not possible for a person to devote attention to anything else. It is not also possible for an honest man to remain in politics for a long time.

Hence it is wisely said that they should not take part in politics. The primary duty is towards their education. indulging in politics at the early stage will divert their attention and make them follow the wrong path. Neglect of their studies will make their entire lives unhappy.

Politics make them tense and jealous of competing with other political parties. This will spoil their balanced minds and patient approaches.

Indulgence in politics by immature people wills end-anger democracy. In their enthusiasm to do certain things they may be guided by wrong ideals and selfish men in politics leading to the detriment of their education and careers.

The nation requires young and educated people for many its projects and progressive activities. By entering politics in the student days they are made unfit for helping the nation to progress.

Students are easily exploited by the politicians for their personal gains. This tendency is not conducive to the welfare of the nation.

This type of exploitation often results in violence. In fact the students are not so much interested in politics as the politicians wants them to be.

The universities and colleges should be free from the influence of the politicians otherwise it will not be possible to free students from the political clutches.

No doubt complete indifference to politics will make the students politically ignorant. In democratic state citizens must be awake. But it is not necessary that this awakening means actual and direct participation in politics. Students should understand politics and the various party systems in the country but they need not take part in it. Educational institutions must be completely free from politics.a

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