English Essay on “Permanent UN Seat and India” English Essay-Paragraph-Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 CBSE Students and competitive Examination.

Permanent UN Seat and India

Two of the most prominent P5 countries could grant permanent UN seat to India. The two main countries who could provide UN seat to India are United States and Russia. The other P5 countries namely China, Britain and France should also support United States and Russia in the decision to give permanent seat to India.

It is strange why is India not granted permanent UN Seat, as it is one of the most powerful countries of the world in respect to intellectual ability. India had given many scholars, writers and spiritual personalities to the world. Their preaching’s have benefited the people of the entire world. India is a wonderful land of varied cultures and is known around the world for its rich heritage.

India is the treasure of virtues, then why is it not given prominence by the member countries of the United Nations: Perhaps the main reason is that a few countries of the world want to create obstacles in the progress of India. Especially the countries like US wants to be known as the best country in respect to wealth, atomic power and civilization. US wants to suppress the rapidly developing countries of the world to attain superiority over them. US wants to be known as the most superior country and wants to gain control over all the countries. It wants that all the countries must follow all its instructions and do what it wants. US has wrong attitude. It must change its attitude lest it is bound to lead itself and other countries of the world towards the darkness of ignorance and destruction.

India is a rising star of the world, and it has good intentions for all the countries of the world. India must be given permanent UN Seat, as it could lead other countries to power and glory with the brilliant advices of its scholars and writers.

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