Our Roadways System
India has one of the largest network of roads in the world. The present road length is over one and a half million kilometers. At the time of Independence, India had only about four hundred thousand kilometers of roads.
After independence, our country made a rapid progress in the construction of the roads throughout the country. Special attention has been given to the construction of roads in the rural areas, linking thousands of villages with other roads leading towards markets, towns and cities. Roads are being made through sandy, marshy and hilly areas. Now roads have been made even ‘n the high mountainous regions of the Himalayas.
Man, machines and materials are needed for road building. Stones mixed with coal tar and cement are used for making roads. Bridges are built across steams and rivers which are on the way. All weather roads are made to make travelling possible even in the rainy season.
Buses, trucks, motor cars, scooters and taxis are running on the road, carrying passengers and goods to the different parts of the country. With these fast moving vehicles travel has become pleasant, comfortable and fast. Different and distant parts have come closely knitted together.
Fresh vegetables from the farms, fresh fruits from the orchards. goods from small and big factories can reach the markets of villages, towns and cities without further delay.
Wars and famines and other misfortunes can be fought well by quick supply of soldiers, arms and ammunition, food, clothes and medicines. Actually roads are the blood vessels of a country. They are necessary to keep a nation alive.
Road transport has ether advantages also. A truck can reach a farmer or a merchant to his very doors, Thus loading and unloading can be done at the place of production and distribution. Motor transport is very convenient for short distances. It saves time. Road transport is commonly used in hilly areas, It can climb steep slopes easily. Road transport is less expensive than rail transport.
The network of roads in India links almost all the big cities. There are many big and long reads, known as the National Highways. The total length of National High-ways at present is about thirty thousand kilometers. Besides the National Highways the State Highways are linking important cities within a State, Roads have linked villages with cities and markets located on the State Highways.
What a wonderful paragraph it is . Mind blowing. It really helped me doing my assignment.