My Grandmother
My grandmother is eighty three years old. Her complexion is fair and she has wrinkles on her face and hands. Inspite of her old age, she is very active. She gets up very early in the morning and offers her prayer. Thereafter, she gets busy in other activities in the house. She was my first teacher after I came into the world. She taught me to speak, to stand up and walk. She devotes a lot of care to me. I am a student of class tenth. Before leaving for school in the morning, my grand-mother gives me breakfast prepared by my mother. On my return from school, she lays my lunch and enquires from me about my studies and other activities in the school. After I take some rest, she goads me to complete my home work. She advises me to sleep early. She teaches me the day-to-day manners. Before going to bed, she offers her prayer once more. I love my grandmother very much and she also loves me immensely. I am proud of my grandmother.