English Essay on “Misuse of Science” English Composition-Paragraph-Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 CBSE Students and competitive Examination.

Misuse of Science

The misuse of science has filled our lives with many woes, worries and undesirable elements. The evolution of life theory has eroded our moral and ethical base. As a result, the man has become materialist predator. There is little place for spiritual peace and aestheticism. The rapid and indiscriminate industrialization has caused massive pollution of land, air and water. The technological advancement has dehumanized our lives in the same proportion.

Deadly conventional arms, toxic gas weapons avid nuclear stockpiles, raise a deadly specter. Ozone layer is fast disappearing. Carbon dioxide emissions are heating up the atmosphere by creating a greenhouse effect. We are drinking and eating the pesticides. Multiple TV channels are assaulting our cultural values by bombarding us with alien culture and values. The resultant future shock is mentally destroying us. So, today the science is creating more problems than solving them.

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