English Essay on “Manners and Etiquettes” English Essay-Paragraph-Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 CBSE Students and competitive Examination.

Manners and Etiquettes

A human being must possess good manners and etiquettes to attain honour in the civilized society. A person with wild habits creates indiscipline in the society. Manners bring decency and sophistication in the one’s personality. A well-mannered person possesses a superior personality than the one who lacks manners.

Manners must be developed from the early stage of life so that an individual develops decent habits and charming personality. Here are some manners that should be practiced by each and every person of the society to develop one’s own personality.

1 While talking to your friends and acquaintances talk softly, as harsh voice imitate others and they tend to shirk your company.

2.Sit and stand confidently with head held up high. Don’t sit with a hunchback position. It creates a wrong impression about you.

3.Never forget to use phrases like ‘Excuse me, Thank you, You are most welcome, Never mind, It’s a pleasure to meet you, See you again’ etc. These polite phrases are very appealing to others, and they make you popular among friends. Use them whenever the situation demands.

4. Be courteous to everyone you come across with. Don’t look down upon poor and illiterate people, talk with them politely and try to lend a helping hand into them, if you can do so. If you can’t help them, then don’t insult them too. They arc the creation of God just like you. Be kind and courteous to them.

5. Don’t make a noise while eating on the table. Keep the plate near you and try to eat in the way that nothing falls down on the plate and on the table. Eat slowly chewing every morsel properly.

6. Keep your books in the sequence. The smaller books should be kept before the bigger books. While reading your books don’t turn the pages quickly, turn them slowly one by one so that they don’t get torn off Don’t write on the books.

7. If you don’t possess a good handwriting, then first write down your class work in the rough copy and thereafter copy it on the fair one. Write slowly because if you write in a haste your handwriting would appear dirty.

8. Make it a habit to brush teeth, take a bath, polish your shoes and iron your clothes daily. if you can’t iron your clothes in the morning, then do them in the night and keep them in the cupboard. To develop good manners in a child, he should be taught to keep everything in a sequence and organized manner. He should be made to do the jobs himself with decency, so that he gains good manners, and becomes the respected citizen of the society.

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