Life without TV—Impossible!
“Can’t go to Wimbledon? Never mind, catch the action live an ESPN!!” And not only tennis, cricket, hockey, football music, news, wildlife…, the list is long. And you can find all of it on television.
The invention -of television is a landmark- in the history of mankind as it has kicked off an era of globalization, making our world smaller and smaller consequently, you need not live in the US to watch NBA, or at Sydney to cheer for the Indian football team. You can do it all in the luxury of your ‘own living room sitting in front of the black box with colourful realistic images, that is called the television.
Today, the television industry is a booming one, broadcasting innumerable channels catering to the various tastes and cultures of the world. This has also led to the formation of the ‘global village’. As a result MTV markets its’ channels not only in the US but in China and India and in the native language. On the spot-update of news broadcasting has shrunk our world even more. It also seems a huge educational venture with channels like Discovery and National Geographic acting as encyclopedias. It is probably the only media that completely complements the Internet.
However, like all other-scientific inventions. It is essential to use the television with great discretion. The freedom of opinion, expression and speech that is offered on the television can be used to promote unsocial attitudes like racism and communalism besides posing as an adverse influence on young viewers. But with the swiftly advancing world the television has become and will continue to be arm indispensable part of every home.