English Essay on “Life of A Beggar” English Essay-Paragraph-Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 CBSE Students and competitive Examination.

Life of A Beggar

As is generally understood, a beggar is a person who does not own anything. He has no house to live. He has no utensils to cook. He has hardly any clothes to cover his body. He has nobody to care. He has no worries of the world. He sleeps in the fields, garden or on a pavement. He visits house to house for alms. His requirement is just two meals a day. At times, he does not get even that. Some people rebuke him for begging. He does not return their rebukes. He wishes them well. He is condemned by the society. He is forbidden by the law. He displays tolerance. He is happy to see others happy. He is treated as a burden on the society. If he has children, they also take to begging. The life of a beggar is a slur on a civilized society. It is time that begging should be eliminated from society.

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