English Essay on “Improve Relationships” English Essay-Paragraph-Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 CBSE Students and competitive Examination.

Improve Relationships

A scholar has rightly said that one can’t please all people at one time. if you try to please one, other becomes angry and so on. There are very few people in the world who don’t trouble others by charging their moods and getting annoyed on petty issues. They belong to the wise category of people. They understand that it is absurd to trouble oneself and others on small issues. These people are good mediators, as they have a balanced approach in life, and they could solve the conflicts and problems of life peacefully.

It is very important for the person to understand the psychology of the people and deal them accordingly in order to make them friends and eliminate the feelings of hatred from them. Firstly, we must understand that we ought to develop cordial relations with our neighbours, as they could prove to be a great help in the time of distress.

There are many good people in the world, who readily help their neighbours whenever they are in dire need. if everyone becomes selfish, then nobody shall be there to help anybody in the world. Everybody shall become cruel and selfish. It is important to develop a sympathetic approach towards the person who is facing bad days. A kind hearted person gains many friends. He feels the plight of others, and others begin to love him.

The person who wants to be popular among his friends must remain away from negative emotions like ‘Pride’. A proud person is disliked by others. ‘Jealousy and Pride’ are negative emotions. One must remain away from them.

Vulgar talks and gestures must be avoided, as it gives wrong impression about the person in front of other people.

To make friends and improve your relationships- —BE LOVING, PLEASANT, INNOCENT AND FORGIVING, YOU SHALL BE LOVED BY ONE AND ALL.

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