Giving Thanks
“We thank Thee, heavenly Father,
For every earthly good,
For life, and health, and clothing,
And for our daily food.
O give us hearts to thank Thee,
For every blessing sent,
And whatsoever Thou sendest
Make us therewith content. Amen.”
Gratitude is an emotion that fills our heart when we are loved or cared for or simply given a helping hand. It does not matter then as to who is being nice to us-family, friends or complete strangers. “Thank you” is that magic word which helps us express our gratitude. It does not, in any way, repay the kindness but is a prompt way of telling the person who has done you a good deed that his effort has been appreciated. As children, we are taught that all that we possess is because of the kindness of the Lord above and that we should be thankful to him. We slowly begin to appreciate kindness shown to us by people around us, as well. We then learn to express that feeling of being grateful.
Giving thanks is the most natural way of acknowledging and appreciating a kind deed done for you. The kindness may be further reciprocated by a helping hand extended by you in times of need.