Genetic Engineering
Imagine a world where people didn’t have to donate organs anymore or if vegetables were so big and the plant produced so much that many farms wouldn’t need to be utilized anymore. Genetic engineering could change the world, as we currently know it. Technologies already exist that could alter the nature of the human species. Private companies are seeing the potential for vast profits from new genetic engineering technologies. Technologies exist that enable scientists to change plants, animals, and even human beings at the gene level. The technologies in genetic engineering have grown very quickly over the past ten years. The new technology in planting crops and other plants is to genetically enhance them with biotechnology. Most of the crops are corn, soybeans, cotton and potatoes. These crops have been engineered to produce their own pesticides. “Many Americans have already begun to eat genetically engineered vegetables but research confirms that hardly any of us know it.” The biotech industry has decided that people don’t need to know they are eating bio engineered foods, so those foods don’t care any identifying labels.