The negative effects of gambling far out weight any positive that may appear. Gambling sucks the money out of the pockets of local business. Money that would most likely end up being spent on a new TV or refrigerator ends up being spent in a casino. As we all know, gambling can quite easily become addictive. The state of Florida at one point performed a research study about casinos and gambling finding that the costs to government of gambling addiction far outweighed all revenues that might be generated by casino gambling. Gambling problems have also been said to spread to today’s youth. We know that is easier for younger people to be enticed into something that will be destructive to their lives. It is also a fact that gambling increases crime. Just think about it, all types of crime rise due to the effects of gambling. For example, organized crime, both on the upper and lower ends. You may get a group of people that watch for big winners within the casinos who have cohorts that follow a winner home only to rob them. More violent and drug crimes would definitely appear.