Electricity And Water Woes
The water supply and distribution of electricity in India is not sufficient enough to cater to the needs of all people.
Especially the slum dwellers and the-people living in rural areas are the worst sufferers. There is no electricity available in many villages, and in other villages it keeps on coming and going as a visitor.
There is also the scarcity of water in many places of the country, but no one hears the complaints in the water department, even if you keep on ringing them up again and again. Sometimes the light and water doesn’t come for days together and people become sick due to the harassment and torture given by the water and electricity distribution agencies.
The higher authorities of the government must take firm steps to stop this menace, as the people of the poor areas are living under miserable conditions due to the scarcity of water and electricity supply in their areas.
The government must provide sufficient electricity and water to people living in all areas, irrespective of the fact that they are poor or rich, the poor are as human as the rich, thus their birth-right to exist in appropriate conditions should not he snatched.