Discipline – The Hallmark of Progress
The word ‘discipline’ implies obedience to a person of authority or experience. It means conformity to rules and regulations.
It is the very essence-of a civilized life. It is a common misconnection, that discipline and freedom are contradictory. Discipline certainly does not mean licentiousness, although it does not curb an individual’s freedom. Discipline is a delicate equilibrium between an individual’s freedom to do what he wants and the collective good. Discipline is a prerequisite for progress in all walks of life. In fact man has progressed from a savage to a modern evolved species, because of discipline. Discipline should begin in childhood itself and should be nurtured carefully. The home is the nursery, where we receive our basic lessons in discipline through obedience to parents and elders. As we enter the portals of -school and college, discipline helps us to prepare ourselves for the battle of life. A disciplined and successful adult is. an example most youngsters want to emulate. The strength of a nation lies in discipline. The disciplined people are united and strong. They work for the collective good. They subordinate their own interest to the rational interest, for, if each person does whatever he likes, society will become chaotic and progress will come to a standstill.
Discipline is absolutely essential in offices, at home, on the road and in social and political life. In the armed forces, discipline prepares one to evade and defeat death.
Unfortunately, we are living in an age of disorder and chaos, where people detest conforming to discipline, and take delight and pride in violating rules vandalism, and shirking work. Indiscipline is widely rampant in schools, colleges and universities. Political life is plagued by indiscipline. In public life too, indiscipline is taking its toll.
What happens when people don’t comply with rules and regulations and flout discipline? The nation’s progress slows down. Life becomes insecure and chaotic. Crime rate escalates.
Discipline, must not be imposed. It should be voluntary, as it is a precious asset, a rudder that guides the ship of life, giving it a sense of direction and meaning.
Great article.