English Essay on “Corruption and Our Society Today” Full-Length Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 Exam.

Corruption and Our Society Today

Today at least for India corruption is the password, an oft-heard subject of discussions and conversations on all kinds of forums and platforms. The simple layman’s definition of corruption is to get a job done in a wrong and unethical way.

The first thing that we should analyze is that why do we do any work in the wrong way? The answer to this is quite simple and obvious. We do a job in the wrong way because firstly the right way to do it is very cumbersome, elaborate, and time-consuming, and even then, the chance is that the job may still not be done.

Besides getting it done in the right way is not possible as, people are so used to wrongdoing that, the person trying out the way to do it correctly will appear foolish. Moreover, doing a task in the right way has no advantages attached to it. For these simple reasons, the right and honest method of doing work is long forgotten and corrupt practices have become the way of life.

When this is the simple reason for us to do wrong, why should anyone even try to do anything in the right way? When we work honestly, the result is that either the work is not done or it gets delayed. Besides, there is no bonus or incentive for honest. This, is: why; when we study right versus wrong the latter always prevails, then why not all do the wrong and reap a harvest? This is exactly what has happened in India.

It is not that, there is no corruption elsewhere in the world, this is a worldwide phenomenon and even to some extent human, but/ in India, it flourishes more than anywhere else. This is because since the wrongdoers and corrupt people are never punished, they are never seen to suffer, they are encouraged all the more to be more and more corrupt Seeing them enjoying the fruits of corrupt practices, the others honest or not so corrupt are also encouraged to take the path of success corruption. In this way, even the one-time honest people join the bandwagon of the corrupt} because they find greener pastures on the corrupt side of the fence.

In this way, the process of corruption continues to flourish and increase, with more and more people joining the joy ride. With this process continuing for decades, today, the ratio between the corrupt and honest keeps varying in large proportions the sight of honest being minimal and the graph of the corrupt continuously on the rise. The result of this simple process working through the last decades, the result is what we see today, that, it is almost impossible to find or locate an honest man, a hones organization as, we are all involved in different proportions, contributing to the trend.

A simple solution to this magnum problem as I see it is, l giving stringent punishment to the wrongdoers and equally important is to reward lavishly the good and the honest – if of course any such individual is found. If the honest are rewarded, I am sure that more people, would like to remain honest, and if the corrupt are punished severely it is certain the number of corrupt would be on the wane.

This simple solution I suggest because even today, when we stand on the threshold of seemingly total corruption, I feel that human beings are still basically good, and no one would like to be bad or corrupt. We are, most of us tend to do the wrong because either it pays dividends or, because we just can’t help it. If work and the working system become more efficient why will anyone like to pay even a paisa to get work done? It is when work just cannot be done in the correct procedure that most people tend to become corrupt just to get their work done.

So, together with the reward and punishment system, the working system should be made more efficient then, I presume there will be less and even negligible corruption, thus, as we all know corruption is rampant everywhere, and, unless we deal with it with an iron hand there can be very little or no headway in improving the crumbling situation.

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