English Essay on “Autobiography of a Letter” English Essay-Paragraph-Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 CBSE Students and competitive Examination.

Autobiography of a Letter

I have been written by a beautiful hand. I have been posted at the Indira Gandhi International Airport to catch the earliest available flight. When I am posted in the letter box, I join my other colleagues who are already present there. I mix up with them freely and feel excited. Al! nave been written by different people with different hopes. Their destinations are also different. The company of my fellow-letters is very enjoying – able. We embody different contents. Some contain happy news regarding engagements, marriages, success in the examinations, while some others contain messages of sorrow. Some contain funny texts. The postman collects us in his bag and I feel suffocated. I feel fresh air when I am taken out of the bag. Then I start my journey in an aeroplane. I find myself in the company of different colleagues. I do remember my fells who were with me some time back and whose company I had enjoyed.

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