Circular letter for a local Grocer, etc.

Circular letter for a local Grocer, etc.


Dear Madam,

What would you think if somebody turned all your 500 pieces into pound notes? You would look upon him as a real good friend.

We will do more than that. We will make every pound you spend with us go as far as £ 1 spent elsewhere.

This is no idle statement. It is a fact which we hope you will of an allow us to prove. Our prices are the lowest in the neighbourhood and every non-proprietary article purchased from us saves you a few pence. Think how that mounts up in the course of a year.

And think of all the extra things you can buy with these savings.

We do not pretend to be charitable; we are keen business people. We buy in the best markets; we buy in huge quantities and we are satisfied with small profits.

Look in our windows and compare our prices. Our goods are unequalled for quality.

Yours faithfully,

D. Brooker & Co.

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